In the land of Light and Shadow...

There exists a delicate balance, to maintain the harmony of life.

To keep the balance of Light and Shadow in check, there exist small, but might creatures called... BLOBS

Both Light and Shadow Blobs must work together, but when one side gets too greedy... The other must fight back.

Our story begins with a young Shadow Blob, destined to bring back balance to the land of Light and Shadow...


GDD Google Drive Link:

Credits to Lil Cthulhu for the Parallax Background Art and Rick Hoppmann for the Font! All other assets were made by Brandon Matulonis


Game Design Document


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Awesome game! I liked the platforming and collecting aspects a lot. (Also the shop mechanic to reward the player for finding the currency was a great idea) :D

Also, I wanted to add that that parallax background is beautiful, great job!

Thank you for playing and for the compliments! :) I'd definitely love to add more to the shop and have more potions to buy/mix, maybe after judging is over. 

The parallax background is from Lil Cthulhu on itch, I tried to create everything else myself but struggled with an original background, so credits to them!